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YouTube Ministry

Author/Teacher: Rev. Jerry Liversage

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Visit Our YouTube Ministry Channel - Go to YouTube and type in Jerry Liversage (Ministries, Inc.). There you will find devotionals, ministry updates, teaching videos, and a new series called, "The Rise and Fall of a man and a Nation." This new addition will begin in May 2024 and will be using the book of Jonah as a focal point to include the Nation of America.


Responding 12 Step Recovery Ministries is all about Responding to the Truth (Jesus). We are not about a program or a seminar, but about a person. We believe that the person of Jesus can consume an individual in such a way, which will restore the totality of the person to include the spiritual, emotional, social, mental, and physical.

This authored workbook by Rev. Jerry Liversage can be purchased through Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Walmart or Christian Book Stores. A companion DVD Teaching series is also available, but this DVD series is only available through this website. These materials are used by small groups across the USA.

Go to www.jerryliversageminisries.org to find various USA meeting locations.