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New "Live Stream" teaching coming soon!

New Audio and Visual Teaching Coming in Spring by Jerry Liversage


On our website to include our social media platforms, built by our granddaughter Cheyanna Gerky, we will be doing “Live Stream” teachings on a new project called: “The Rise and Fall of a Man and a Nation.”

This new live stream project will also be recorded and uploaded to all allowable social media platforms built by Cheyanna Gerky, who now runs our social media aspect of this ministry.


The entire teaching will be founded upon the Book of Jonah as a reference point. I am excited about this new teaching series (led by the Holy Spirit), especially in the Biblical Prophetic times in which we live.


As this country continues in a “Freefall” fashion away from God, I believe the Holy Spirit is calling His church back to the blood bought message of Jesus Christ and true discipleship. But I also believe that this will come at a cost of death to self-absorbed concepts found in humanity and even the “Progressive Church.”


Jesus gave us an outline of discipleship in Luke 14. This is not a “feel good” message, it is not a “popular message” it is not for the “compromising watered down Christian.” It is directed at those who “have an ear to hear” and follow through with the workings of Jesus in their lives.


In our world today, there seems to be an exponential shift from truth and a gravitation towards a compromised gospel. Are we living in the final hours on this earth? Are we on the precipice of WW3?


For the non-believer who rejects the TRUTH of God’s Word, this is a scary time. But for the committed follower and doer of Jesus, these are exciting times as we watch the Master of Prophetic things, orchestrate His Song of the Redeemed.

We must stand firm and not crumble to complacency. Jesus is coming soon and very soon!

Stay tuned on the updates of this new project!

Rev. Jerry Liversage

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